Adam Curtis, “HyperNormalisation” BBC Documentary

Here is the link to Adam Curtis’ interesting essay film/documentary, “Hypernormalization.” See Adam Curtis’ blog here: See, also, The Guardian’s take on the film.
8-Bit Philosophy: Philosophy Through Classic Video Games I strongly recommend that students check out the 8-Bit Philosophy website,, and Facebook page, For a taste of just how smart and fun this site is, you can check out their recent video on The Philosophy of Rick and Morty.
10/40/70 Analysis of Ali: Fear Eats the Soul by rob thomas, ph.d.

This is my analysis of some key scenes in Fassbinder’s Ali:Fear Eats the Soul. It uses the 10/40/70 method of film interpretation (following the one employed by Nicholas Rombes in his book of the same title). It was written for my students in Thought and Image of Fall 2014. READ MY ANALYSIS
Society of the Spectacle (Film) Guy Debord

n 1973 Guy Debord released a film version of the Society of the Spectacle. This is the newer film transfer (higher quality) with voiceover by Dore Bowen and excellent translation provided by Ken Knabb. You have to click the link to watch it on Vimeo.
Jordon Wood”Playing Against the Gamespace:Heeding the Call for a Gamer Theory”

PLAYING AGAINST GAME SPACE This is Jordon Wood’s discussion of game space. READ HIS THOUGHTS
Ecstasy of the Angels: Modernity, Japanese Cinema, and the Politics of Everyday Life

ECSTASY OF THE ANEGLES This was a course I taught on the Japanese cinema of the Art Theater Guild, roughly from 1968 – 1972. The website is a fairly comprehensive resource on the subject and was a super fun class. CHECK OUT THE COURSE WEBSITE
Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story

This is the best version of the film I could find online. Note: It may load two silent/absent ads for 15 seconds before the film plays.
“Direct Tenderness” Haynes on Fassbinder and Sirk

Todd Haynes From Fassbinder to Sirk and backWatch this video on YouTube
A Scandal in Suburbia: Interview with Todd Haynes and Edward Lachman

A Scandal In Suburbia Interview with Todd Haynes and Edward Lachman by Jon Silberg on Far From Heaven from American Cinematographer (December, 2002) Read the Interview
“Something That Is Dangerous and Arousing and Transgressive” An Interview with Todd Haynes

Todd Haynes in Conversation with Julia Leyda This is a pretty great interview with Todd Haynes. It’s fairly expansive, digging into his recent work on Mildred Pierce, and spanning his entire career. It was included in Leyda’s edited anthology of Haynes’ interviews. Read the Interview
Douglas Sirk, “You Are Making a Bad Film”

Here is a great snippet of a much longer interview with Sirk. Douglas Sirk – "You Are Making a Bad Movie"Watch this video on YouTube
A Powerful Political Potential: Haynes on Sirk and Fassbinder

A Powerful Political Potential This is s short excerpt from Factory Films’ documentary of Haynes talking about Sirk and Fassbinder. WATCH THE CLIP
Beyond Melodrama: Kathryn Bigelow on Douglas Sirk

Beyond Melodrama This is an excerpt from a longer documentary short by Factory Films on Kathryn Bigelow discussing the work of Douglas Sirk. Watch the Clip Here
Corporate Cannibal

This is the video for Grace Jones’ “Corporate Cannibal” (which Steve Shaviro discusses in Post-Cinematic Affect.
Robert Rauschenberg on “Erased De Kooning”

Here are some videos of Rauschenberg talking about his “Erased De Kooning” Rauschenberg on “Erased De Kooning” Robert Rauschenberg on "Erased de Kooning"Watch this video on YouTube Rauschenberg on Erased De Kooning Robert Rauschenberg – Erased De KooningWatch this video on YouTube “Painters on Painting” full interview with Rauschenberg painters Painting rauschenburgWatch this video on […]
Manifesto: The 21st Century Will Be Defined By Games

Previous centuries have been defined by novels and cinema. In a bold manifesto we’re proud to debut here on Kotaku, game designer Eric Zimmerman states that this century will be defined by games. Below is Zimmerman’s manifesto, which will also appear in the upcoming book The Gameful World from MIT press. We invite you to read it, […]
The Post-Perceptual Mediation of Post-Cinematic Affect

“2.5 Crazy Cameras, Discorrelated Images, and the Post-Perceptual Mediation of Post-Cinematic Affect” Shane Denson on Post-Cinematic Affect. From Post-Cinema: Theorizing 21st-Century Film Ed. by Leyda and Denson, ReFrame Books. Read
Post-Cinematic Affect Roundtable Discussion

PLEASE NOTE: LA FURIA UMANA’S Website is currently down Therese Grisham conducts two roundtable discussions on the Post-Cinematic for La Furia Umana. The Post-Cinematic in Paranormal Activity and Paranormal Activity2 POST-CINEMATIC AFFECT: POST-CONTINUITY, THE IRRATIONAL CAMERA, THOUGHTS ON 3D and Shaviro on Post-Continuity
Southland Tales

Richard Kelly on “Southland Tales” Complete and Unedited. This is a great interview from reporter Abraham Riesman. Photos by Joshua Shultz. Read the Interview Here are some of the various FAQ pages about Southland Tales. It is important to state that just because Southland Tales is doing different things with narrative, it doesn’t mean it is […]
“Deleuze’s Postscript on the Societies of Control” (Video)

This is a video essay on Deleuze’s essay made by Gary Hall, Clare Bichall, and Peter Woodbridge.
Pop Art

This is a very old post from an old blog for Thought and Image on Pop Art. It gives you a handy check-list of what we have covered in class. Here is a list of some of the key critical features of Pop Art (just to remind ourselves). Pop Art: -Levels the distinction between high […]